However, sadlly I'm only free from mids. ):
Mom told me not to be too happy yet cos O's aren't over and that I'll only be free once the O's are over. Okay, thanks I needed to know that.
So ART is tmr! And I know exactly how I want my final piece to look like, how exciting! : ) But, I have yet to start on prep work. Tonight is gonna be another sleepless night, however it's all worth it simply cos it's ARTT! : ) And so 10 pages of prep work by tmr! I'll be starting after this, came online to source for help.
Alright looking forward to next thursday's papers, some ASS is gonna be famous again!
12th falls on Friday, how exciting! One year Four months.
Exams ending = Basketball Training starting : ) Very well, I miss the bballers, jiaolian and I have yet to exercise. The amount of caffine intake and food intake during the exam period has caused me to put on weight! I look like an elephant now. ): How awful! I should hit for the court or the gym sometime this week, who would be nice enough to accompany me?
I need to go shopping! IKEA shopping would be best!
I'm getting irritated with the research I'm doing for ART right now. They're giving me nonsense. Out of 99 pages of pictures, like 98 of them are all on buildings! Like hello, do i look like I'm so very interested in architecture?!
I miss my dear PARTNER, Ally, Sheryl, Gayle, Donn, Bea, Belle, Jasper, Evan, Lizzy, Nat. Friendships may have been broken, some of us may not be on talking terms, but whatever it is, I hope we could all talk things out. Maybe meet up soon, and catch things up. Don't even know if you all will read this but oh wells!
In the midst of studying on Saturday, Mel and I became mad. Here are some photos as evidences:

Haha, too lazy to upload anymore.
For more, go to Mel's blog.
Goodbye, time to do art : )
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